Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Flu.

You know what sucks about being sick when you are a mom? Well, everything.

The plague known as influenza has hit our house and it has hit HARD. It started with B. He probably brought it home from work, after all, pharmacies are crawling with sickies. B however, has had the man cold for weeks, so I didn't think much of his symptoms. That was my first mistake. By the middle of last week, fever and body aches had us all down for the count. As it turns out though, babies don't care if you are sick. Babies still think you are the most awesome thing on the planet, particularly at 3am when you cannot move except to simultaneously shiver and wipe sweat from your nipples so your baby can latch on without using you as a human slip and slide.

I went to the doctor yesterday, so they could tell me what I already knew. They told me to get some sleep. I made this face.

I know Lindsay, life is pretty rough right now.

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