Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kickin' it Old School

The darling Mrs. PTB makes all things awesome, and wanted to make this blog a little more awesome by passing along this "Old School Blogging" post! Let's get the party started!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?

Probably things my parents should never find out about.

2.  What are five things on your to-do list?

Convince B to hang the living room shelf, or hang it myself
Clean and organize my closet
Figure out a system for G's clothes
Paint my nails
Stop having the damn flu

3.  What are 5 snacks you enjoy?

Um, only five?! I want ALL the snacks.
Red pepper hummus and Triscuits
Veggies and dip

4.  Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire.

Build a gorgeous house, buy a beach house, be a stay at home mom

5.  Name some places you have traveled.

London, Paris, Barcelona, The Caribbean

6.  Name some bad habits you have.

Scratching my eczema, biting my nails and leaving them wherever, hitting snooze

7.  Name some jobs you have had. 

Cashier, Teacher, Beauty Advisor

8.  Name those you are tagging for Old School Blogging

 I'm tagging my girl Breanna at Counting Blessings- LOVE her!

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